Leben an der BKA

Willkommen in der BKA-Gemeinschaft, wo wir eine offene Haltung und Diversität feiern!

Ein Ort, an dem Lehrpersonen und Familien zusammenkommen, um Kinder zum Lernen, Erforschen und Fragen zu ermuntern, damit sie zur nächsten Generation von grossen Innovatoren heranwachsen können. Wir legen Wert auf lokale Traditionen und Traditionen aus der ganzen Welt, welche die Diversität unserer Familien und Mitarbeitenden reflektieren.

We are proud to invite parents with a specific talent or knowledge to join our classes as guest speakers and share their know-how with the children. Basel serves as the perfect city for field trips to enrich children’s cultural understanding and certainly brings learning alive.

Traditionen & Feste

An der BKA International School feiern wir gern das Leben und die Kultur. Wir laden unsere Kinder und ihre Familien ein, mit uns gemeinsam die grossartigen Traditionen zu feiern, die wir über die Jahre verfestigt haben. Zu diesen Traditionen zählen:

  • Sommerpicknick
  • Laternenumzug (Basler Tradition)
  • Winterfest

As a Basel based International School our students learn about Swiss traditions as well as celebrating international holidays. Throughout the year, we introduce the children to fun local traditions, such as “Vogel Gryff” or “Fasnacht” and teach them about their significance and history, giving the children a valuable insight into local culture.

Keeping the children engaged and motivated is of utmost importance to us as a school, for that reason we teach inquiry based curricula and have regular assemblies to celebrate our learning. We like to believe that no day at the BKA International school is the same and to keep things exciting for the children we celebrate many international holidays such as Halloween, Valentine’s day and more.